Monday, July 16, 2012

100 flex interview questions

100 flex interview questions

Question:What is the difference between httpService and Data Service?
Question: I was asked too many Questionuestions on the event bubbling, Like how to capture and event if the component is disabled.
Question: obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, MouseClickHAndler); in this obj should inherit which class?
Question: Explain the ChangeWatcher.Wach()
Question: What does calling preventDefault() on an event do? How is this enforced?
Question: What is the problem with calling setStyle()
Question: What is state? What is the difference between states and ViewStack?
Question: What is the difference between httpService and Data Service?
Question: Why you don’t Embed all images in your application
Question: Why we extent Sprite Class in our Graphical Classes?
Question: What is Layout Manager and explain the Properties and Methods?
Question: How do you call a method in particular ItemRenderer. Also the ItemRenderer is your own Custom Component.
Question: How can you implement Singleton in Flex Application?
Question: Types of Binding
Question: How to create your own event
Question: Event Bubbling
Question: Life cycle of Flex Application/Component?
Question: How you implement MVC in your Application
Question: Difference btw Java and Flex Getters Setters
Question: How many events are fired when your focus goes in one text box, you enter some text and then press tab.
Question: How you use styles different ways of using Style sheet
Question: How can you use two Styles at the same time
Question: Try to remember properties of few imp components
Question: What is the difference between Flex 2.0 and Flex 3.0
Question: How will you call Java method from Flex?
Question: What are the config files used for connecting Java and Flex?
Question: What are the channels and their types
Question: Give the name of Collection which can be mapped to java and Flex and vice-versa
Question: How can you call JavaScript from MXML
Question: How can you access a var defined in 1 MXML flex in to another MXML file
Question: Is it possible to make httpService ReQuestionuests synchronous?
Question: I need to load an image from flickr into my application. Do I need a crossdomain.xml file on flickr?
Question: Give similiarities btw Java and Flex
Question: How do you generate random numbers within a given limit with actionscript?
Question: Have you built any components with actionscript? If so explain how you did it?
Question: How do you implement push on a flex applications?
Question: What is a drag manager?
Question: How do you call javascript from Flex?
Question: How do you use a repeater?
Question: What are three ways to skin a component in flex?
Question: How do you use css styles in flex?
Question: What is the difference between sealed class and dynamic classes?
Question: What is e4X and XML?
Question: What is state? What is the difference between states and ViewStack?
Question: What is dynamic keyword used for?
Question: What are sealed classes?
Question: What type of images can be loaded
Question: Explain ContainerCreationPolicy
Question: What are the factory classes
Question: Explain Metadata
Question: How does item renderer work? How do I add item renderer at runtime?
Question: What keyword allows you to refer to private variables of a class?
Question: How polymorphism works on actionscript?
Question: How do you overload functions in actionscript?
Question: I am going to add images into a tag. How will it resize itself?
Question: What is a resource Manager??
Question: What are the similarities between java and flex?
Question: What is the dynamic keyword used for?
Question: How do you implement push with flex data services?
Question: What are the methods called when a UI component is intialized?
Question: How do you implement drag and drop on components that do not support ondrag and ondrop?
Question: Can you write to the file system from flex?
Question: Explain the difference between creating an effect and setting the target as opposed to adding an effectListener
Question: What do repeater components do?
Question: How do you identify a component created in a repeater?
Question: (If applicable) Explain the lifecycle of a Cairngorm action.
Question: What are some ways to specify styles on components?
Question: Why would you want to keep a reference to a ChangeWatcher and call unwatch()?
Question: How do you add event listeners in mxml components. Now AS3 components?
Question: What are runtime shared libraries?
Question: What is caringhorm? How do you use it? Have you worked with Cairngorms?
Question: What keyword allows you to implement abstraction better?
Question: What design patterns have you used? In Actionscript and java?
Question: What’s the difference between Java and AS3 getters and setters? Answer: I have to explicitly call a setter/getter function in Java, while AS3 allows me to Access my setters and getters as though they are variables.
Question: Explain the component lifecycle.
Question: Tell me about dataServices
Question: understanding of MVC
Question: They ask what frameworks you aree familiar with When getting developers to help create “standard” application, I’d weight a lot more heavily on the as3 Questionuestions. Aside from basic “show me how you’d write X” algorithm
Questions you can ask more in depth ones about the workings of the language
Question: Explain how binding works in mxml components.


  1. Thanks...its good to see someone took pains to share all this!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi Durai,

    Nice to seeing you preparing these questions
